Popular Courses to Study in Nigeria
Students deciding which course to study may be looking for popular courses to study in Nigeira. It is one of the student’s grave mistakes when they end up choosing the wrong courses. After choosing a course, some students are unable to continue due to not having enough passion or because the course is too difficult. Choosing the course that suits your passion and future plans helps at shaping a better future and career for you while on the other hand, the wrong selection can make you suffer for a long time.
There are a number of different courses available at Nigerian universities. A student may be overwhelmed by how many courses are there to choose from. If you are looking for a course it is time for you to think about your future career and what you are willing to work as or what kind of job you want. If you are still wondering which course to choose it is necessary that you know about what are some of the most popular courses to study in Nigeria so that you can probably find the course of your choice.
A couple of things to consider before choosing a course are your interests, course duration, fees, and employability rate. These things must be considered upon selecting your course. If you do not have adequate interest or you are unable to pay the tuition fees you may waste a lot of time from your precious time so make sure to take these things into your consideration.
What are the popular courses to study in Nigeria?
These are some of the most popular courses to study in Nigeria:
- Law
- Business Management
- Medical
- Economics
- Agricultural Science
Popular courses to study in Nigeria
1. Law
Law is a well-reputed course to study wherever you go. It is a highly valued internationally recognized course. Studying law takes a minimum of 5 years. Law is one of the most competitive courses to study since you need to have a high JAMB score. Like any other country, lawyers are highly respected in Nigeria as well. Lawyers in Nigeria usually work at crime investigation institutions, financial institutions, and courts.
2. Business Management
Business management is also one of the most popular courses to study in Nigeria. As a developing country, Business Management is becoming a more and more demanding course to study in Nigeria. Business management graduates these days work at some of the most highly paid positions today. Studying business management improves a student’s analytical, problem-solving, marketing, and customer-handling skills which are highly privileged when it comes to business-related careers.
3. Medical
Out of all the most popular courses to study in Nigeria, Medical courses take the top spot. Graduates with medical degrees in Nigeria are in high demand since there are many hospitals and clinics with work opportunities open for Nigerian medical students. It takes roughly around 6 years for a Nigerian student to complete their medical degree. Medical graduates in Nigeria can work at different hospitals, clinics, research centers, and health ministries.
4. Economics
Studying economics helps Nigerian students understand their surroundings better. It enables people to better understand people, businesses, markets, and governments, and thus respond to the threats and opportunities that arise as the county moves further with development and economy. Economics is also one of the most highly privileged sectors to work in Nigeria. Economics graduates in Nigeria work at banks, businesses, and offices as accountants and e.t.c.
5. Agricultural Science
Being one of the most popular courses to study in Nigeria many students are eager to study agricultural science at Nigerian universities each year. Graduating from this course can take 4-5 years in Nigeria. Agricultural science hasn’t always been a popular degree but starting to become more and more popular recently. By studying this course Nigerian students work in sectors including crop production, agricultural economics, wildlife, and animal production.